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Bob Hancock Jr 's Pippin, Yankee # 198, Wye River, Maryland  

Bob bought Pippin in January, 2006 and keeps her on a mooring on the Wye River on Maryland's eastern shore.

On Feb 10, 2009 Bob checked in and advised he bought a Triad trailer in April, 08 and now has Pippin on his driveway where he can work on her. Launch is planned in April. We are working on getting a picture.

Restoration is underway and slow going. I did purchase a trailer from Triad in Connecticut this past April and launched/retrieved successfully in 08. Pippin is in my driveway which makes the restoration process more convenient, but she needs a lot of work. I hope to launch in April and I'll forward a picture of her on the mooring. If I get far enough away, she doesn't look too bad.  

Bob followed up with an email about his Triad. We also put this in our Technical Section on trailers

It was a pricey one, 6,000.00, but it's real nice. It's not bolted together galvanized, it's welded and then galvanized by someone else. The mast carrier on the front can be extended up and has a winch with a brake. I can raise halfway and walk away from the winch to untangle something and come back to continue. I built a support that sits in the cockpit for transporting and a longer crutch that I lift the mast into after the bolt is in the mast step. It gives me a better angle to start cranking it up.

I find the boat needs about 5' of water at the back axle to launch & retrieve. The trailer tongue can be extended 8' if necessary, I had it out about 4' to retrieve and nothing to launch.


We found the following ad that prior owner Adam Smith posted on this boat




































































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