May 27, 2017. This is a 'fix' for an outboard motor cover that comes loose - usually at inopportune moments. Submitted by Ron Breault, Marionette, Marscot/O'Day #12. This is a 1990's era Johnson 4hp, 2 stroke, long shaft, runs beautifully, and is Marionette's primary engine. Field testing to commence May 28. Stay tuned.

Note left rear corner damage

The left rear corner was damaged sometime in her past and the resulting fit was not good

The cover has 2 plastic snap latches (Above) - fore and aft. The latch fastens to the engine base cover via a rubber? snap- on that detaches under load. If the cover does not 'fit' properly, and it is struck by some force, the latch fails at the rubber snap and the cover comes off
The 'fix' is attching 2 brass box latches, one on either side on the cover near the rear end of the cover.
They were $5.99 each and come with 4 brass screws for each latch - which won't work on the plastic.
Add about $4 for 8 sets of small brass bolts, washers and nuts - Total about $16

Left rear side latch

Above - right rear side latch - note location is a bit further aft than the left side latch. The reason is not to interfere with the inside cover spark plug wiring which is on this side of the motor
Will report after field testing - stay tuned