April 2, 2009
Mike Zint sent in the the following (before) pictures of Grand Finale on Sept 19, 2008. They have been wandering around the Dreamweaver/Internet/Ether (DIE) until resurfacing this morning....Mike comments are italicized
The sliding galley, and a teak sole...
The blower inside the lazarette ....see the $1.98 inline rocker lamp switch? Well, it's gone and I'll wire correctly to a switch on the panel. The fan vents directly out the vent on the port side while the intake is on the starboard side with 3" diameter flexible hose laid to the floor of the motor compartment.
The cockpit's manual bilge pump - mounted in quarterberth. I wonder if someone took a picture of Mike taking these pictures? ... the bilge pump picks up from the bilge thru a hole in a 6 x 6" teak block just behind the centerboard cable, the discharge goes thru the forward bulkhead of the engine compartment, was zip tied to the inside of the transom the routed down into the motor well. I'm not completely sold on this arrangement. As long as the plug is out, this might be OK, but with the plug in....I could see a problem.
The manual bilge pump mount - fore and aft motion?
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