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Forums / General / My afternoon sail  
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Posted: 01 Jun 2009 at 12:33pm
Yesterday's afternoon sail was marvelous.

My wife and I invited her sister-in-law and the two nephews out for a sail, so I went down to the dock early to set the boat up and get ready for them. There's something I really love about messing around with boats. Taking off the mainsail cover, putting in the battens, up goes the sail. Uncoiling the sheets and halyards, getting out life vests for the boys, stowing the gear. Sipping a cold beer, gathering breeze on my cheek. Life feels pretty great...and I haven't even left the slip. Wink

So, the crew arrives, and we shove off. The nephews have never sailed before, so a brief lecture on the rules of the boat, and they are off to the foredeck as we motor away. A nice 8-10 kt. breeze is up, so as soon as we get out into the main channel, off goes the engine, and we unfurl our 135% genoa. As we start to short tack up the main channel of Marina del Rey, the boys quickly learn the drill of crawling across the cabin top, under the boom to the new high side. They make a game of it and are having a blast.

My wife at the helm, I stand behind her, straddling the tiller and manning the sheets as we tack smartly up the channel. We start to cross tacks with a big white Hunter 35, with a large group on board huddled behind its cavernous dodger. Each time we approach on port tack we cross them nicely, and each time on starboard they duck us and take our stern. For 8 or 9 crossings we hold them off. Robin Lee showed that 35 footer her transom for most of the leg, even with our outboard still in the water. LOL

Each time we crossed the Hunter, a member of their crew would comment on our boat. He was an Australian and obviously an experienced sailor. Over the course of the leg we had a conversation of sorts, punctuated by tacks at opposite sides of the channel as we beat out to sea.

"Your boat is beautiful. What is it?"
"It's a Dolphin 24, a Yankee. Sparkman & Stephens."


"Was she designed by Olin Stephens himself?"
"Yep. From Olin's hand. 1959"


"Man...she has beautiful lines!"
"Thanks. Olin Stephens drew a great shearline, no?"

The Hunter finally got passed us as we reached the breakwater, and we peeled off to head south down the coast. We had a wonderful sail that day, saw lots of playful sea lions which pleased the boys to no end. But what pleased the skipper more was Robin Lee's sprightly performance to weather, and his nice chat with the Australian!

Erik Evens
Los Angeles, CA
"Robin Lee", Yankee Dolphin #118

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 at 6:32pm
Hi Erik
I know just what you are talking about. Our club has a new steward and I do not know him. He's a college kid and the kind of guy, without really knowing, I would associate with crewing on a Melges 24 or similar speed ship. A couple of days ago he was coming down the dock as I was leaving it. I heard him say softly as we passed - 'You have a beautiful boat" No kidding! I barely heard him but it was there. We both kept walking in opposite directions but I said thanks.

Marionette #12

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 at 9:52am
There's a bit of magic in the Dolphin, that's for sure.

Erik Evens
Los Angeles, CA
"Robin Lee", Yankee Dolphin #118

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 at 9:32pm
Great story! My wife Nancy is a pilot for United Airlines, and along with me, a new owner of Cove Dweller, #111. About two weeks ago, right after we bought her, Nancy had a layover at LAX. She bicycled to Marina del Rey and called me excitedly--she had spotted not one, but TWO Yankee Dolphins...right next to each other. I suspect one was "Robin Lee", and will ask her. Magic , indeed.

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 at 10:27pm
The 2nd Dolphin would be Doug Pease's boat #153 Aspara. They have adjacent bearths very close to the main road.

Beautiful boats and fair winds!
Dolphin #300
Grande Finale

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 at 9:58am
Yes, our slip is right next to the bike path, so if you are cycling in Marina Del Rey, you are apt to go right by Robin Lee. Mike's right, Aspara is right next door. And we also now have a third Dolphin on our dock. Mark Spector's Yankee is a few slips to the north. Quite the little Dolphin club we have going there!

Erik Evens
Los Angeles, CA
"Robin Lee", Yankee Dolphin #118

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 at 12:24am
Nice. I think my wife wants to go sailing with you guys!

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 at 7:00pm
Have her give me a yell next time she's in LA and we might be able to go out for a sail!

Erik Evens
Los Angeles, CA
"Robin Lee", Yankee Dolphin #118

Posted: 05 Sep 2011 at 10:29pm
I will, that would be very cool, Erik! Even just a beer on the boat to talk Dolphins.

Posted: 06 Sep 2011 at 9:34am
Anytime! My office is 5 minutes from the boat. Any excuse I have to go down there is a good one.

Erik Evens
Los Angeles, CA
"Robin Lee", Yankee Dolphin #118

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